January 27, 2011

Oh God.
My body's all sore from the yoga today.
and I know most of the people will say like "it's Yoga, how much pain can it bring you?"
And i will tell you.

Started off with simple basic moves.
The downward facing dog, which is like this:

Which is fine. Until the teacher told you to put your heels on the floor
And then you feel excruciating pain from your calves up.
Cos I always do it the beginner's way.
Which is like a bit of tip-toe-ing on the mattress.

And then we got the Cobra pose.
Which looks like this:

Which until yesterday I thought was a cute pose.
Cause you can be all Superman-like and shit.
But then the instructor told us to do a Baby Cobra pose.
I thought like what the fuck.
Then it turns out, you have to lift your body from the mattress, until the thighs are not touching the mattress.
I had a synchronized "what the fuck" moments with another girl.
She was like "what the" and I completed the moment with the "fuck"
I thought Baby Cobra was supposed to be cute and stuff.
So all of you who are reading this.
Do NOT be deceived by the cutesy name.
Cause the baby cobra is even more scary than the Cobra itself.
Anyway yeah.

Random post.
But better than nothing right?

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