January 25, 2011

I just got home from the gym.
And seriously, the US SKINS have pretty sick music.
Like the opening by 3D Friends called Lina Magic
and their promo music by a band called Sleigh Bells named Kids.
And I'm just like so baffled by the American press, calling it "the most dangerous tv show for kids"
First of all, it's not for kids. You're supposed to be like 16/17 to watch it and people aren't just gonna do things they see on TV, well that's if they're not stupid.

It seems that there are people in this world, walking, living, breathing people who seems to have a kin of hating other people?
And this post right here is to summarize reasons why someone may hate you, and what you should do to fight back?

They hate you for your awesomeness.
And yes, I am awesome, thank you for noticing. Some people just can't handle how awesome you are. It's just like in the bible, Jesus is hated by people who can't stand how awesome his turning-water-to-wine ways.
OKAY. Maybe you're not as awesome as Jesus. But it's a good example? :D
Sometimes people are just jealous. To see how someone's life can turn to be so wonderfully laid out in front of them, while theirs... well, crumble.
Should you be offended? NO.
You should take this as a form of flattery, and understand that your awesomeness is an acquired taste, and not everyone can understand.
Specifically, dumb people. Yes.

These people,
are the kind of people that have too much free time on their hands.
Better yet, they just simply don't know how to make use of their free time.
And that cause even more failures in their lives.

So, you ask: What to do oh great awesome Thania?
Okay first of all, you should say to yourself and to the offender
"Bitch, I'm not conceited I'm just awesome."
And pat yourself on the back for being awesome.
There's no sin in being the great legendary awesomeness of yourself

Like Nelson Mandela once said, "
You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. "

You should all shine.
And those people who hate hopefully will see that he or she also can shine.
And reach their own potential and be the light that they were set out to be.
Also, you should all set out to follow Ron Burgundy played by the uber-talented Will Ferrell who once said "I'm pretty much a big deal"
Because you are.
In the words of a Loreal. "Because you're worth it"

Haters gonna hate.
And that's what they do.
The biggest revenge is to fulfill your potential and shine.
And be all that you can be.
And he or she will see the truly awesome you and look at their pathetic selves and said "what the fuck happened."
And probably they will be better as well.

So the next time you see them, shrug them off, smile and walk away :)
Because if anything, they're not even in the same level of greatness that you're in.

and do this dance!

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